Monday, December 24, 2018

All About Desert Life 🦎

A desert is a dry place that has less than 25 centimeters of rain every year. Some deserts have no rain for months or years. Some deserts have sand, but others have stones or rocks. Some deserts are in thr mountains.(p.4)

Deserts are very dry places, but plants can still grow there. Desert plants collect and use water in special ways. The plants have strange looks compared to other normal plants. There are about 1,200 different types of plant in the Sahara Desert. I didn't know Dsert plants but cactus until reading this book, so I was surprised st this number.

All about desert life
Julie Penn
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010


All about Ocean Life 🐠

A lot of Earth is covered by saltwater oceans. The oceans are home to many tyoes of life, from the smallest plants to the biggest whales. (p.3)

This book's content is mainly about mammals live in the oceans. I got interested in Coral Reeds and small fish called cleaner wrasse, so I'm writing a little bit about them.Corals are small animals that make hard covers around themselves. Rhe covers are many different shapes and colors. Coral reefs are places where lots of corals live togetger. Cleaner wrasse work hard on coral reefs. They eat the little plants and animals that live on big fish. Big fish don't eat the cleaner wrasse. They open their mouths so the wrasse can clean inside.

All about ocean life
 Rachel Bladon
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010

Incredible Earth

Did you know that there are mountains and valleys under the ocean? Some of these mountains are bigger than the biggest mountains on land. In the deepest parts of the ocean, the water is 10 kilometers deep.(p.6)

If you read this book, you can know incredible places on Earth and how they were made. The most impressive thing in this book was Pammukkale Cliffs, Turkey(The picture). These white cliffs look like they are made of ice, but they are really made of rock. Hot water came out of the ground and poured down the mountain. Then minerals in the water made these incredible cliffs.

I was surprised to know that these were created by nature not human. I want to visit this place once in my life.

Incredible earth
Richard Northcott
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010

Monday, December 17, 2018


Fruit is good for your heart, eyes, and skin. Fruit is good for your body. It can stop you getting sick. Fruit helps you to walk, run play,learn, and grow.

            Alternative Daily

This book introduces new fruit plants, fruit and animals, and how to eat fruit with color picrures. I have never eaten lychees and dragon fruit which appear in this book and I can't image what taste they are. I want to try them someday...

Louise Spilsbury
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013

In The Sky

Go outside and look up. What can you see? You can see the sky. The sky is above you. Look at the sky. Is it day or night? What can you see in the sky?

In this book, you can learn about stars, planets, moon and space.  The things in this book are basic, so it was easy to understand. What I thought interesting was about  stars, accordoing to this book, old stars don't live for ever, but there are new stars, too. There are millions of stars in the sky, so that was understandable.

                                                                                                                       Research Matters

In the Sky
Kamini Khanduri
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2018


Territories can be small, like the armrest between two chairs. Or they can be far larger, the size of a country or even a planet. Each territory brings the same question: Whose is it?(p.6)

Edison Red

People want to own things. Borders, fences, minerals, treaties and tombs are used to separate things or places. In this book, some examples are taken, such as the Moon and the bottom of the world.
They are interesting for me, because I have never thought that who owns the Moon?

Mark your territory

Brian Sargent
New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014